Snehee Joglekar's profile

Space Design | Home Furniture Showroom

Students to select their own Design Program to Create 
an Experience by Designing any space of their choice.

Space selected:
The objective of this space, a home furnishings store, is to create a harmonious and sustainable retail environment that seamlessly integrates with nature and promotes a sense of well-being. Through a design inspired by biomimicry and biophilic principles, the space aims to be both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.

Walk-through Views

Walk-through Views

Genius Loci of the Space:

- In this home furnishings store design is a harmonious blend of nature-inspired elements and sustainable principles.
- By integrating biomimicry architecture, the space emulates the efficiency and elegance found in natural systems.
- Its strong and sustainable foundation is built upon eco-friendly architecture, incorporating natural materials, passive solar design, and renewable energy sources.
- The heart of this design lies in its biophilic approach, connecting visitors with nature through green building practices, including green roofs, biodiversity integration, and abundant natural ventilation.
- Daylighting floods the interior, reducing energy consumption and providing a welcoming atmosphere.
- This holistic approach not only results in an energy-efficient environment but also leaves a minimal carbon footprint.
- Therefore, the Genius Loci of this space evokes a sense of tranquility and vitality, where customers can explore sustainable furnishings within an immersive, nature-inspired setting.

How is this a space to touch the USERS
emotionally and Intellectually?​​​​​​​

The home furnishings store I designed is crafted with the intention of emotionally and intellectually engaging users, leaving them with lasting memories. Inspired by nature and biomimicry architecture, it seamlessly blends into its environment. Its strong and sustainable design, incorporating biophilic elements, promotes a deep connection to nature. The store is energy-efficient and eco-friendly, constructed from natural materials with passive solar design and renewable energy sources. It embraces green building practices, ensuring a low carbon footprint and biodiversity integration. Green roofs, natural ventilation, and ample daylighting create a welcoming atmosphere, making every visit an enriching and memorable experience.

3D elevation made on
URL of the project:

Space Design | Home Furniture Showroom


Space Design | Home Furniture Showroom
